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Meet the highest possible standards in an active, caring, happy school and a Welsh where respect is shown for children and people, giving them all a fair chance to develop to their full potential.
Create a happy and safe atmosphere within the School.
Ensuring that all children have the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally and Educational.
Developing the pupils' Welsh culture.
Deliver the best values and the highest possible standards to the children.
Enabling children to distinguish between the bad and the good.
Giving children the opportunities to take part in a variety of activities educational and extracurricular.
Ensure all children are bilingual by the time he/she leaves school
Promoting kindness and courtesy among the children
Create a good relationship between the school and the parents and the community.
Create citizens who in the future will be ready to take on responsibilities.
Make education a valuable and memorable experience and an absolute joy for all learners.